half life

Developer explores opening Steam VR games with Vision Pro

See quotes/sources at: roadtovr (XR Navigator February 07, 2024) Although Apple has officially stated that the Vision Pro can open and play Steam apps through the Mac Virtual Display, and the community already has people through...

Steam 2023 Top 50 Best VR Games List Announced

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator December 28, 2023) Steam today officially announced its annual Best of 2023 list, with a total of six categories, including the most "best-selling games," "new products" , "Most...

IP won the first prize three times, and "Resident Evil 8" won the best AR/VR game in 2023 TGA

To view the citation/information source, please click: XR Navigation Network (XR Navigation Network December 08, 2023) In the live broadcast starting at 9 o'clock, the annual game festival TGA successively announced works in various categories. For the best AR/VR games, the...