Sony's VR patent proposes foot-operated controllers, allowing you to sit and use your feet to control the ball to move查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2023年12月15日)社区正在积极为VR探索各种移动机制,包...patentSony# AR# VR# Sony1yrs ago04,9520
US scientists develop VR headset for mice to let them feel being attacked by eagles查看引用/信息源请点击:theguardian (XR导航网 2023年12月09日)虚拟现实可以让人类沉浸在非凡的空间...Newstreadmill# 3D# VR# treadmill1yrs ago04,9120
大朋VR参加触新智造沙龙,共同探讨VR技术的新应用方向4月26日,大朋VR出席合作伙伴触新智造在上海举办的沙龙活动。会上,触新智造详细展示了旗下SITWALK、Omn...The Big Four VRPress release# E4# Omni# VR9mos ago010