Quest 3 mixed reality beats Quest Pro

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Quest 3's color pass-through mixed reality outperforms Quest Pro, according to Mark Zuckerberg.

在广泛的细分market中 采访莱克斯·弗里德曼扎克伯格讨论改进 Quest 3 带来以前的 Meta 头显并重申了他对 Apple VisionPro the opinion of.

Quest 3 was officially announced last week. Meta hasn't revealed full specs yet, but says the visor is 40% thinner, the GPU is more than twice as powerful, and it features a dual-color camera and depth sensor.

Zuckerberg told Friedman that the Quest 3's screen is "40% higher resolution" than the Quest 2, and "better and more advanced" than the passthrough mixed reality Quest Pro.

See first Quest 3 mixed reality gameplay footage

Meta just revealed the first Quest 3 mixed reality gameplay, showing off pass-through quality and room-aware features. Watch it here:

Quest 3 mixed reality beats Quest Pro

After Quest 3 was revealed the previous week, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman said he tried a developer kit. He described the passthrough as "almost lifelike" and said he could use the phone in the headset.

Friedman was allowed to attempt Quest 3 before the interview. He described the headset's pass-through feature as "really, really, really well done," and expressed surprise that the device only costs $500.

On Monday, Apple unveiled its own headset, the Vision Pro, which starts at $3,500. Zuckerberg reportedly told Meta staff yesterday that he was glad Apple's demo showed it "doesn't have any magic solutions," pointed to tethered batteries and pricing tradeoffs, and criticized Apple for "sit alone on the couch." on" publicity, and reassured him Meta staff that it had sold "tens of millions" of tasks. He argues for Meta's approach to delivering affordable headsets that focuses on "being active and doing things" with others.

Friedman also asked Zuckerberg what he thought of Apple's announcement. He responded that he sees this as "sort of a validation" of Meta's significant investment in AR and VR, and thinks it will get Apple fans "to come in and share that vision."

"I think the Quest is, is going to be the main thing in the market that people will continue to use for the foreseeable future"

He thinks Apple's price point might actually increase against the Quest 3, as the legitimacy it brings will make more people consider AR & VR, many of whom won't be able to afford the Vision Pro.

Meta Quest's tracking controllers are very different from Apple Vision's gaze and gesture controls.

Zuckerberg also advocated for tracking controllers in Apple's visionOS gaze and gesture controls:

"Being able to navigate the system with eye gaze and hand tracking is an elegant way […] but I think if you care about gaming, having a controller gives you a lot more tactility."

We recommend watching the entire episode Interview with Lex Friedman Hear the full background on Zuckerberg's comments.

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