VR technology makes Street Fighter even more shocking

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VR模组社区最近很火。感谢像Praydog,Luke Ross和Team Beef这样才华横溢的开发人员的辛勤工作,我们一直在享受VR中的AAA游戏,从 Grand Theft Auto VandJedi Knight 2: The OutcastsinceCyberpunk 2077andwalheimJust to name a few.

This week, VR mod community Flat2VR shared footage of a new VR mod.street fighter 6, now available on PC VR headsets. Brought to us by aforementioned developer Praydog, the update lets you watch virtual battles in a headset, adding a layer of immersion to Capcom's 2023 competitive fighting game.

You don't fight from the point of view of the characters in the game. Instead, your headset acts as a virtual camera, allowing you to view the battlefield from multiple angles simply by moving your head. You'll still need a compatible Bluetooth gamepad or mouse and keyboard to actually play.

VR technology makes Street Fighter even more shocking
Credit: Flat2VR via YouTube

That said, it looks like a great way to fully immerse yourself in a virtual street fight by removing all distractions. It will be interesting to see if this mod takes off in the professional fighting community. VR technology can serve as an excellent training tool for competitive players looking to get the most out of their practice sessions, similar to racing sim fanatics.

those who are interested in playingstreet fighter 6Can start in VRhere.It is important to note that you will need to own a copy of the game on PC to play it in VR.

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