"Assassin's Creed: Combined Operations" first batch of screenshots and release time window exposed

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育碧发布了《刺客信条:Nexus VR》的首个正式预告片,在这个假期季节登陆Quest。在Meta Quest Gaming Showcase中展示的预告片之后,这家法国游戏发行商在今天的Ubisoft Forward演示中提供了更多《刺客信条:Nexus VR》的细节。“您将体验到什么是新的记忆,从三位传奇的刺客:Ezio,Cassandra和Connor,实现跑酷,战斗和隐秘行动,“育碧蒙特利尔社区开发人员Clement Dagonneau表示。虽然没有展示游戏画面,但您可以在下面观看“CGI”预告片:

"Abstergo Industries has found a way to retrieve powerful lost artifacts that can be used to manipulate people's beliefs. To sabotage their plans, you'll reveal brand new stories and complete legendary assassin missions," reads the official website. Featuring "historically accurate open maps and 360-degree navigation," you'll be able to climb various places as you complete your mission.

Nexus VR also uses "real-world motion" to block, parry, counter and duel reactive enemies. You can choose from swords, battle axes, bows, crossbows, throwing knives and smoke bombs to suit your play style. Ubisoft confirmed stealth game mechanics and outlined comfort options such as human vision blocking and teleportation.

Assassin's Creed: Nexus VR will be available on Meta Quest during the 2023 holiday season, and you can add it to your wishlist now.wish list

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