Unlock two popular VR games every month.
this morning,Meta首席执行官马克·扎克伯格宣布了Meta Quest+,这是一项新的VR订阅服务,适用于Meta Quest 2,QuestProand upcomingQuest 3. Meta Quest+ is now online, providing subscribers with two popular VR games selected by Meta each month.
The company picks up Cloudhead Games' rhythm shooter firstPistolwhipand ARVORE's old-school style adventure gamePixel Ripped 1995, and will be followed by the launch of Mighty Coconut’s carefully crafted mini golf simulator in August.Walkabout Mini Golfand Terrible Posture Games’ futuristic first-person shooterMOTHERGUNSHIP: FORGE.
"Subscription services have been a great way to get more bang for your buck since the days of Blockbuster," the company said in its official blog. "Meta Quest+ is worth up to $60 per month, making it both affordable and a great way to get the most out of your money." A curated experience. We’re excited to give gamers on Meta Quest a new way to explore everything their headset has to offer."
Subscriptions to Meta Quest+ are $7.99 per month or $59.99 per year (a savings of $37%). Anyone who subscribes between now and July 31 can get their first month for just $1. Meta says you can cancel your subscription at any time and regain every game you downloaded during your original subscription at any time.
For more information, visit MetaOfficial Blog Post.