Sony Mocopi let the“VRChat”user release their inner

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On the market there are some body tracking solution that can help you complete morph into a dancing anime girl task, Sony now is which before only in Japan, sales of the device introduced in the United States.

Mocopi的名称源自动作捕捉(mocap), which was initially announced in late 2022, became available only in Japan in early 2023. While many vTuber's around the world have already snapped up orders from Japan, Sony is now officially making it available in the U.S. for $450.

Mocopi is equipped with six small and lightweight Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors connected to dedicated smartphone apps (iOS and Android) for full-body motion tracking both inside and outside the VR.

Sony Mocopi let the“VRChat”user release their inner
Image courtesy of Sony

While Mocopi seems to be majoring on those interested in becoming a vTuber, the company has certainly touted the device's ability to provide better full-body tracking for activities like VRChat. Yes, it has built-in VRChat integration, which means you can wear a Quest 2 or PC VR headset, attach the Mocopi to your limbs, and let everyone witness your dancing.

Like many IMU-based tracking devices, positional drift is a real issue, though Sony seems to be positioning it as a way to enable easy body tracking, rather than the 100 percent accuracy needed to perform [insert popular dance name] on TikTok.

Coming from Sony, you'd think there would be some sort of integration with the PSVR 2, although that doesn't seem likely. Since it first launched in Japan in January, the company has yet to mention any such integration.

Mocopi is now available for purchase.Exclusively from Sony, priced at $450. Mocopi orders will begin shipping to customers on July 14, 2023, Sony said. Check out Sony's Quick Start Guide to see what you're signing up for.

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