Meta's Twisted Pixel studio is working on an unannounced VR game using Unreal Engine

XR1yrs ago (2023)update XR-GPT
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Meta's Twisted Pixel studio is working on an unannounced VR game using Unreal Engine

继去年晚些时候被Meta收购之后,我们很少听到Twisted Pixel的消息,这是一家为Meta制作了几款独占游戏的老牌虚拟现实游戏公司。现在我们首次了解到该工作室下一个项目的一些细节。

在推出几款非虚拟现实游戏之后,Twisted Pixel Games在近年来主要关注虚拟现实领域。该工作室已经开发了几款虚拟现实游戏,这些游戏都是由Oculus Studios独家出版,适用于Rift、Go和Quest头戴设备。其中最近一款是适用于Quest和Rift的《Path of the Warrior (2019)》。

After working closely with Oculus Studios for a while, it was announced late last year that Meta had acquired Twisted Pixel, along with several other acquisitions.

Considering we haven't seen any new releases or even game announcements since the end of 2019, it's unclear if the studio will remain intact, or be absorbed by Meta and scattered elsewhere.

But now we have our first clue. According to this year'sJob Offers, the studio is looking to fill various positions to develop an "unannounced virtual reality game using Unreal Engine."

Given Meta's current priorities, it's almost certain the game will only be developed for the standalone Quest headset.

Of particular note is the mention of Unreal Engine (UE4 is specifically mentioned in some job postings). Very few Quest games are developed using Unreal Engine. Another more popular option is Unity, which is widely considered to be more suitable for the low-end hardware of the Quest headset, and is usually the first engine to get Meta's latest Quest development tools.

Other job openings at Twisted PixelMentioning "experience developing multiplayer online games" is a strong indicator of a candidate's "preferred qualification," suggesting that the studio's next game will feature some sort of multiplayer functionality.

Given the timing of the studio's acquisition announcement, we're guessing that Twisted Pixel is actively developing a VR game primarily for Quest 3 release, or soon after Quest 3's release (but possibly backwards compatibility with Quest 2 as well). With Quest 3 fast approaching, we should learn more about the studio's upcoming game soon.

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