Google AR/VR operating system engineering director resigns

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Google AR/VR operating system engineering director resigns


The director of engineering for Google's upcoming AR/VR operating system has resigned. Mark Lukowski is a senior operating system engineer. While working at Microsoft in the 1990s, he co-developed Windows NT, the workstation operating system that became the technical foundation for XP and all subsequent versions of Windows.

Since 2017, Lukovsky has been responsible for building a new operating system for AR glasses at Facebook. However, in 2021, he resigned after employee whistleblower Francis Haugen revealed that the company knew its platform would have negative social impacts, but put profits first and did not do a better job of mitigating them. For details, see the reporthere.

Two months later, Lukovsky switched to Google to lead its XR operating system project, but today he announced his resignation.

In a statement posted on Twitter, Lukowski cited "recent AR leadership changes and Google's instability in commitment and vision" as reasons for his departure.

The recent leadership changes may refer to the departure of Clay Barfour in Google's mass layoffs earlier this year. Balfour has led Google's AR/VR efforts since 2015, and has been in charge of Google's larger lab division from November 2021 until March of this year.

Last month, Business Insider reported that Google had recently canceled its own Glasses hardware project and instead offered a software platform to manufacturers like Samsung: Android "XR" for the headsets and Android "Tiny XR" for the glasses. . XR is an umbrella term that includes virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality technologies.

These operating systems are likely to be run by Lukovsky, and this cancellation may be the reason he cited in his resignation statement.

今年2月,三星正式宣布正在研发XR头戴设备,并由谷歌负责“软件”的开发。然而,最近一份来自韩国媒体的报道称,三星因应Apple VisionPro的竞争,决定推迟这款设备并重新设计。

没有卢科夫斯基的情况下,谷歌的Android XR项目的未来尚不清楚。Meta决定在他离职后取消自己的操作系统项目,但谷歌可能会选择在新的工程总监领导下继续开发该操作系统。

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