PC VR game "Hubris" starts a limited-time discount

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PC VR game "Hubris" starts a limited-time discount


To celebrate the release of a major update, the visual gem of PC VR gaming, Hubris, is now 25% off.

The Hubris 2.0 release on Steam adds manual reloading, improved enemy AI (including "enhanced reaction logic"), and tweaks to the graphics and difficulty settings. The release notes also mention extensive updates to the audio, including changes to the original soundtrack and new voice-overs.

The release note mentions: "Based on extensive player feedback, we have re-recorded the main character Lucia's voice-over. We have also added an option to turn off Lucia's in-game hints, allowing players to explore the world and reveal secrets on their own without the help of a companion."

If you have an RTX graphics card, playing Hubris on PC can also use NVIDIA's DLSS for "better performance and graphics performance".

We recommended Hubris in our original PC VR review, praising its visuals and well-designed mechanics, and reviews for the game on Steam have been mostly positive. The regular price of Hubris on Steam will last until July 31st. Additionally, the game is also playable on Quest and PSVR 2.

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