Rush: Ciara Squad Coming to PSVR2 on August 29th

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Crossfire: Sierra Squad在PSVR 2上的推出日期为8月29日

The developer of Crossfire: Sierra Squad has announced the release date for the shooter's upcoming PlayStation VR2 headset.

The game from Smilegate is scheduled to debut on August 29.

A blog post details the game's use of PSVR 2 hardware, including key features like adaptive triggers, haptic feedback, and gaze rendering. The article also mentioned that "Crossfire" includes 13 main single-player story missions, 50 squad campaign missions for 2-player co-op or single-player, and an endless mode that supports up to 4 players.

We got our hands on the game earlier this year and noticed its impressive arsenal. According to the developers, the game promises 39 types of weapons, including pistols, rifles, and explosives. The game also includes 17 types of enemies to destroy.

Despite its impressive arsenal, Crossfire seems to be struggling with repetitive fights, and we'll be curious to see how it improves since our demo. As soon as possible, we'll learn more about the game.

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