Mirror Image Augmented Reality Board Game Experience Now Available

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The platform supports popular tabletop games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and Starfield.

Virtual reality gaming company Mirrorscape has just launched a public beta of a one-of-a-kind Mirrorscape app that uses augmented reality (AR) technology provides users with an unprecedented 3D desktop gaming experience.

So far, the company has partnered with various tabletop gaming industry leaders such as Dwarven Forge, Reaper Miniatures, Hero Forge, Norse Foundry, Death Save, and Fat Dragon Games to offer fans of tabletop gaming more than they ever imagined. More realistic and unforgettable gaming experience.

Mirrorscape已经为此付出了很长时间的努力。除了移动设备外,该公司还在开发其平台以支持各种增强现实头戴设备和眼镜,包括苹果的VisionPro和高通的Snapdragon Spaces平台。该公司指出,他们非常高兴发布Mirrorscape应用,该应用可以在iOSandandroidused on the device.

As Mirrorscape's popularity grew, the company's CEO, Grant Anderson, thanked GameBeat for all those who helped make their platform a reality, saying, "The support Mirrorscape has had in building our platform has been overwhelming. , we thank every user, supporter, developer, and partner for their contributions to the future of tabletop gaming."

Unlike other companies on the virtual desktop platform, Mirrorscape has a strong architectural capability that is critical to the core experience. Gamemasters can create an animation of their own dark, twisted world using tools provided by the company.

The app comes with a free starter kit that includes several maps and various structures that you can use in your custom game, such as doors, caves, and cobblestone floors. Currently, Mirrorscape offers a total of 50 maps that you can purchase through the build tab of the store. Other digital items, such as terrain and minifigures, can be purchased starting at 99 cents.

Mirror Image Augmented Reality Board Game Experience Now Available
Image credit: Mirrorscape

If you're a Hero Forge subscriber, you can also link your digital minifigures into the game for free.

Mirrorscape supports open-ended gameplay, including Paizo's Pathfinder, Starfinder and of course Dungeons & Dragons. This allows players to interact with game pieces and other figures in a manner similar to the physical environment.

In technology, gaming, and fantasy worlds, Anderson has extensive experience in tabletop gaming. In the 1990s, he worked on the design and development of Apple's QuickTime VR. He then took part in the creation of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Technical Manual, an interactive VR walkthrough of the Starship Enterprise. Anderson eventually moved to Los Angeles, where he worked on visual effects for various films such as Titanic, Spider-Man, and The Matrix.

Since then, he has focused on the field of AR and VR gaming for the past nine years, always maintaining his love of fantasy board games. "We've been working in AR and VR for about nine years now, and it's just crazy," Anderson said. , I’ve been playing Dungeons and Dragons.”

Mirror Image Augmented Reality Board Game Experience Now Available
Image credit: Mirrorscape

Mirrorscape garnered the support of over 4,000 active users in its public beta, and the company grew further by over $400,000 in funding raised from fans on Kickstarter. Funds raised will be used to support and continue development of the game engine and other XR projects.

Donald Bland, Mirrorscape's chief operating officer, noted that the revival of tabletop gaming can be attributed to growing interest in titles such as Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons. He also noted that the company's technology could change the way people interact with their favorite games.

When playing Mirrorscape, you have two different game modes. One of these is an AR mode that allows you to interact with virtual worlds in real-world space. The other is a 3D mode that allows you and other players to explore the virtual world through rooms such as "Forge's Tavern," which has a cozy fireplace where you can sit and enjoy a glass of mead. You can also visit 'The Hall of Heroes', a shrine honoring the fallen.

The two different versions of Mirrorscape come with a POV mode, through which the player enters the game world and sees it through the eyes of their character.

Mirror Image Augmented Reality Board Game Experience Now Available
Image credit: Mirrorscape

During the game, the game host can use the AR device to go out and explore the real world through POV mode, similar to "Pokémon GO".

"Imagine all the players actually getting together and walking out of the room," McIntire said of one possible scenario. "The game master can watch them walk around the dungeon from inside, and then comment in their headset and say, 'You're starting to smell brimstone and death and corruption.' Then they turn the corner and see Zombies are coming towards them."

One of the most interesting features, according to the Mirrorscape team, is that game masters can use augmented reality to hide certain areas of the map. For example, if a game master wants to keep a monster away from a certain room, they can click on it and watch it disappear. According to Donald Bland, the next step for the company is to allow users to create 3D versions of their handwritten maps using their smartphone cameras.

Mirror Image Augmented Reality Board Game Experience Now Available
Image credit: Mirrorscape

Other interesting new additions include a messaging function and a log of dice rolls. The company is also working on adding various effects to the app, such as lightning.

According to Anderson, the concept of Mirrorscape arose during the early stages of augmented reality development. He pointed out that this is the perfect way to create a board game experience that allows players to bond with their friends.

One such fan is "True Blood" actor Joe Manganiello, who is also Mirrorscape's creative director. "I'm very excited and inspired to be part of the Mirrorscape team," said Manganiello. "Through their technology, I see the future of gaming and entertainment, and I'm passionate about getting it into the hands of the public, where it will disrupt thinking." , change everything!"

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