Canon releases a VR video featuring cute kittens

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Find your zen with this "meow-samadhi" experience.

The popular multinational photography company Canon has released an immersive 180-degree VR video on its official YouTube channel featuring a troupe of super cute cats. Canon describes the video as a "guided meditation" and "the perfect way to de-stress."

The roughly seven-minute video was shot with the company's EOS R5 C camera and a Canon RF5.2mm F2.8 L Pisceseye lens by Andrew Marttila, a well-known cat photographer teacher, too@iamthecatphotographer. while still@orphankittenclubkitten rescuer.

"As a Canon fan, I like to try out the latest technology," Mattila said. "This lens makes high-quality VR technology feasible. It attaches to my Canon EOS R5 or R5 C like a normal lens, but the footage it captures is anything but ordinary."

"With the dual fisheye design of the left and right eyes, it can create incredible 3D 180-degree pictures or videos. This makes it perfect for showing how cute these kittens are in real life. The camera captures every jump and every fall .Now the kittens have their own VR movie."

您可以在YouTube上观看完整的180度视频,或者使用Meta Quest头盔进行VR观看。

For those interested in producing immersive content themselves, you can check out Canon's VR Content Creation Kit, which includes everything needed, including the EOS R5 C camera and RF5.2mm F2.8 L Pisces Eye lens.

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