This Virtual Rave Experience Makes You Party Like an Eighties

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Better grab a few glow sticks, you're going to need them.

The Geneva International Film Festival returns later this year with a one-of-a-kind virtual experience that transports you back to the days of the first wild parties, where you could dance to the sound of old-school Physalis music.

This interactive art installation Chasing the Repeating Beat by immersive documentary production company Eastern City Films in collaboration with the British Film Institute (BFI) and Coventry City of Culture was produced by Darren Emerson Yes, it takes you back to 1989, the symbolic birth year of the British rave scene.

The installation consists of a "carnival corridor", an exhibition and the aforementioned virtual carnival experience.

An official statement reads: "From poster-strewn bedrooms and pirate radio stations to police stations to warehouses blaring with Physalis music, Chasing the Repeating Beat takes you back to the first time through a deeply immersive experience. The thrill of a rave party."

"This interactive documentary pays homage to the influence of rave culture across a generation and has had a major impact on today's electronic culture."

This Virtual Rave Experience Makes You Party Like an Eighties
Copyright: Darren Emerison

The 29th Geneva International Film Festival will be held from November 3rd to 12th. This work is in collaboration with the Electron Festival and is dedicated to electronic culture in Geneva.

For more information, please visithere.

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