The Brigade of Light rolls out the "Memory of War" update today with new classes and classes

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战争的记忆更新 - 光明旅团

The roguelike shooting game "Brigade of Light" launched a major update today, adding new occupations, levels and other content on all platforms.

Developed by Funktronic Labs, Brigade of Light originally released in February, Memories of War adds two new playable classes: Engineers can deploy operational drones throughout the level and wield a fast-firing MP35 submachine gun , while the Demoman is a new shotgun-weaponed class that, according to Funktronic, was heavily requested by fans. You can see them in action below:

Detailed in a press release, Memories of War also includes new handcrafted levels that appear between its procedurally generated levels. The update also includes a new shooting range mini-game, as well as game balance updates and fixes, while offering a "substantial" amount of new tactical items and power-ups during gameplay or in the shop.

This isn't the first major update Funktronic has released for Light Brigade. In March, Update 1 specifically dropped reprojection on PSVR 2 in favor of native 90Hz support. The same update also introduced theQuestProThe Dynamic Gaze Rendering technique used on , as well as the new Game+++ and redesigned aiming/moving system.

The Brigade of Light – Memories of War update is now available onMeta Questplatform,PSVR 2and available on PC VR.


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