Outboard Isle Will Bring an Apocalyptic Robinson Crusoe-Style Survival Experience to PC VR Next Year

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Bootstrap Island

Inspired by "Robinson Crusoe", Bootstrap Island will join the Steam Early Access platform next year, bringing players a new PC VR survival game.

The game, developed by Estonia's Maru VR studio, puts players on a mysterious 17th-century tropical island.

"They must adapt quickly and stay alive while exploring for food, drink and weapons, gathering materials to make fires, and surviving attacks by ferocious beasts in the dark," Maru explained in a press release.

You can watch the trailer below:

The game's creative director Rein Zobel said in a statement: "We designed Bootstrap Island specifically for virtual reality and focused on creating an immersive gaming experience with a compelling storyline. Players will truly feel like they are washed up on the island. A classic tale of adventure on the shores.”

Maru VR inDiscord FAQ中详细介绍了更多信息,透露Bootstrap Island将不会在Quest上推出。“虽然我们不排除将来会推出Meta Quest版本的可能性,但Bootstrap Island是专为高保真度虚拟现实平台而设计的,仅适用于高性能设备。” FAQ中解释道。Maru还确认目前没有合作计划,但表示多人游戏“可能会在未来推出。”

Bootstrap Island is scheduled to launch in the first quarter of 2024Steam Early Access platformReleased and planned to be fully launched in 2025. In addition to ongoing playtesting, the game will also be available as a demo during Steam Next Fest next month.


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