The avatar in Meta in the metaverse world "Metaverse" finally has legs

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The avatar in Meta in the metaverse world "Metaverse" finally has legs

在Horizon Worlds中,Meta的头像现在有虚拟腿了。

If you launch Horizon Worlds and look in the mirror in the menu space, you'll see your avatar's full body, and when you enter a world, you'll also see everyone else's avatars. The company's avatars have previously been widely mocked for being only upper body.

However, if you look down, you still can't see your legs. This leg update only works for third-person avatars - that is, other people in the mirror and yourself - and not first-person avatars.

Many third-party VR apps and games already give you virtual legs in first and third person. But there are currently no shipping VR systems with built-in leg tracking, so the virtual legs cannot match the actual movement of real legs. Additionally, the way the transition between seated and standing is handled isn't fluid, nor does it make the legs look natural when moving using the analog sticks. For some, the issue of these fake virtual legs is unimportant, but for others it is unsettling.

Legs has been available in the Quest Home space (branded as Horizon Home) for users of the Quest firmware public beta channel two weeks ago, but this is the first time it's available in a VR app.

Third-party applications using Meta (such as GOLF+) cannot currently add legs because the SDK has not been updated. Horizon's developers appear to have gotten the new version early.

Perhaps Meta is waiting for an SDK update to be released at the annual Connect conference, where many of its Quest VR features are announced and released. This year’s conference is scheduled for September 27, less than two weeks away.

Last year Meta also announced that its avatars would receive a complete graphical overhaul this year, adopting a more realistic style. But nothing has been heard since, and the company said the demo it showed was made using motion capture technology, not VR.


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