Leaked photos of PICO 5 controller revealed on Chinese social media

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PICO 5手柄的明显照片在中国社交媒体上曝光


A Chinese source told us to post the two photos on Baidu Post Bar, a forum he said is similar in some ways to Reddit.

Existing PICO 4 grips each have a PICO system button with a colored ring logo, red on the left and purple on the right. In the leaked image, the purple ring logo is clearly visible on the button in the same position in the grip.

The other image is very low resolution.

However, unlike the PICO 4 grip, the leaked grip does not have a tracking ring. On most VR grips, there are infrared LEDs inside the plastic underneath the ring, and the headset camera determines the grip's position in space by tracking a specific arrangement of these LEDs.

There are three methods for removing the tracking ring in a VR grip, but I think only one of them might actually be used by the PICO 5.

(1) Electromagnetic tracking:PICO Neo 2and Magic Leap 1 both track their handles without a camera. Each handle generates an electromagnetic signal that a receiver module in the headset measures to determine its position. However, these electromagnetic grips suffered from significant jitter and latency issues, leading PICO and Magic Leap to ditch them years ago.

(2) Built-in internal and external tracking:MetaMeta's Touch Pro grips (which come with the Quest Pro) and Magic Leap 2's grips use a built-in mobile chipset and a built-in tracking camera for internal and external tracking, completely independent of the headset to determine its position in space. However, this method would dramatically increase the cost of the grips, and neither has a visible camera in the leaked PICO images.

(3) Lower face LEDs:Meta's new Touch Plus grip, which comes with the Quest 3, has IR LEDs along the edge of the face rather than on a separate ring. While this alone can lead to frequent occlusion issues, the Quest 3 will also always run gesture tracking with grip tracking and merge inputs. ByteDance has been "inspired" by Meta's design and approach in the past, and this seems to be the most likely approach for the PICO 5.

However, Bytespring has shifted its content funding focus from games that don't support wireless gesture tracking. This could mean that the PICO 5 may not come with these grips and the company will sell them as optional accessories.

The other image is very low resolution.


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