Table Tennis Club releases in December for Quest and PC VR Tennis Club

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Table Tennis Club releases Quest and PC VR Tennis Club in December</trp-post-container

A new installment of the Racket Club dev log details its social mechanics, and the game will be released on Quest and SteamVR this December.

The program was hosted by Mathieu Castelli, Chief Creative Officer of Resolution Games, who explained that the team wanted to create an authentic tennis club experience.

Castelli confirms, "This means you can step onto a venue where other people are playing, you can hear them playing, and you can choose to interact or not." Castelli said they tried to minimize the UI display when joining/leaving a match compared to the standard online multiplayer experience, where joining a match involves clicking on a door on the side of the court.

Castelli said that the release of Racket Club will offer a club, and previewed what it offers. He said the environments are designed to provide "that feeling of connection," and that they've included different materials on the courts, such as grass, red clay, and concrete, each of which reacts differently to the ball. Invite a friend into the game and they should appear on the court next to you.

Racket Club will be released in December 2023 on theMeta Questplatform andSteamPosted on. You can learn more in the previous developer log below:


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