Assassin's Creed: Dark Shadows VR trailer reveals gameplay and release date

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The first gameplay trailer for "Assassin's Creed: Virtual Reality" has revealed the game's release date, which will be released on November 16.

三年前,Ubisoft首次宣布正在制作专为虚拟现实的《刺客信条》游戏,此次预告片将独家发布于Meta Quest头戴设备。

We knew very little about Assassin's Creed VR until screenshots, a CGI trailer, and basic gameplay description of the game were first shared in June of this year.

A gameplay trailer popped up on IGN, but we haven't seen the clip on Meta or Ubisoft's channels yet. This Wednesday, Meta will hold its annual Connect conference, where we were expecting to learn more about Assassin's Creed: VR.

In addition to announcing the release date of November 16, the trailer also explains that in the game players will play three different protagonists from past series works, namely Kassandra (character in "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey"), Ezio ("Assassin's Creed") 2") and Connor (the character in "Assassin's Creed 3").

The trailer also shows off a range of gameplay mechanics, including parkour between buildings, archery, throwing knives, spinning a wheel, dragging a book on a shelf to open secret passages, rowing a boat, and jumping from high places to Attack the enemy from above.

Ubisoft has previously confirmed that the game will include weapons such as swords, battle axes, bows, crossbows, throwing knives and smoke grenades.

You can find it on the Quest Storeuploadvr

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