"Resident Evil 4" VR mode personal test: more terrifying than Quest, while improving one of the shortcomings

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Resident Evil 4 VR模式亲身试玩:比Quest更恐怖,同时改善了其中的一些缺陷

As a Quest owner, the VR port of the original Resident Evil 4 is a must buy.

As such, Resident Evil 4 Remake is also undoubtedly suitable for the PSVR 2, especially after Resident Evil Village's excellent VR mode was added as a free update to the base game to support the headset's release.

This week at Tokyo Game Show, we had the chance to try out the new VR mode on the PSVR 2. While the demo version was limited to near the beginning of the game, it's already proving to be something that may bring something new to the table in addition to improving the visuals of the RE engine.

To be honest, we'd be very happy if Capcom could replicate all the mechanics of Armature's excellent VR port in its entirety. Nonetheless, it's too early to tell how good this version actually is before trying out how good this version becomes a VR shooter, as the demo ends before the famous village ambush.

Compared to the Quest version, this demo mainly allows us to experience the new PSVR version as even scarier than before, with more realistic graphics and new lighting (or rather, no lighting). In terms of the immersion of the experience, it's not the most immersive VR experience, as your hands (or, to put it another way, Leon's hands) are simply moving past objects in the demo - there's no way to interact with most of them unless a button prompt appears.

When the lights go out, Leon has to turn on his flashlight, which doesn't appear in your hand, but as a beam of light that shoots out of your head and tilts with it. The demo was also unfortunately limited to seated mode, which meant that the holster and other gear were placed slightly forward of me, rather than mapped to my waist.

One of the biggest drawbacks of the Quest version was that it never really became a pure VR game when it switched from its original third-person perspective storyline. Sadly, the PSVR 2 version suffers from this problem as well. Even with the first-person perspective storyline, there are sudden switches that take control away from the player (which can cause motion sickness for some players).

But before these issues seem to become a priority, there is one small change that is more compelling. When stunning an enemy with Leon's roundhouse kick, the Quest version plays the original animated clip. However, the PSVR 2 version cleverly chooses to switch the camera to a slightly higher position from which you can see Lyon running forward to perform the counterattack. It's unlikely that Capcom would have chosen to make his feet actually stick out in the first-person view, so this solution cleverly keeps the action in context without completely taking you out of the experience.

In terms of shooting mechanics, it feels similar to Resident Evil Village's VR mode, but in the demo we were only able to use Leon's pistol. Reloading is done by pressing a button to empty the magazine, then inserting a new one and pulling the trigger. Lyon's knife can be used to destroy barrels and boxes for items, but unfortunately we didn't get to the part where we use the knife to dismantle the chain-saw wielding madman in the village.

However, by holding the knife by the R2 button, you can change Leon's grip so that he holds the knife face down like other famous horror movie characters. When subduing a Ganados, you can quickly tackle them with the knife and perform a stabbing like Norman Bates. When I performed the stabbing maneuver, I felt the tense sound of strings.

While we'd love to spend some time experiencing those action-packed moments, the Resident Evil 4 VR Mode demo shows a lot of potential. If it rivals the Quest version, the PSVR 2 will see a second must-have Resident Evil game in just one year. And that's fine with us.

Resident Evil 4 VR Mode will be released this winter as a free update for Resident Evil 4 on PSVR 2.


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