Project Wingman: Frontline 59 brings the acclaimed aerial combat game to PSVR 2, along with an all-new game mode. Developed by Sector D2, we got to experience a preview version at Gamescom 2023. Read on for our full impressions.

Three years after Project Wingman debuted, Humble Games' Top Gun flight fantasy is back with a richer story and added support for PSVR 2.PSVR 2 Highly recommended for you is Battlefront 59, an all-new campaign that adds two to three hours of gameplay and puts you in the role of a novice pilot with a reserve army you didn't expect to be sent to.
The developer doesn't support Sense controllers, so I played with a DualSense gamepad, with shoulder buttons for braking, accelerating, and steering, and face buttons for weapon control. It takes some getting used to, but it quickly feels natural, and I really enjoyed using PSVR 2's gaze tracking to switch targets between enemies.
Just like driving in Gran Turismo 7, there's not much interactivity inside the car. Although Sony's racing game supports dedicated steering wheels to compensate, it is unclear whether "Frontline 59" supports PS5 HOTAS controllers. The DualSense controller solution works, but I wish there was more experience. The scuffed cockpit glass is a nice environmental detail, though, and the headset's haptic feedback provides good feedback when under attack.

After a brief takeoff, I quickly encountered a group of enemies and the battle began. What follows is a simple mission of clearing the sky, shooting enemies and using thermal missiles as needed. If the enemy is given too much time, they can release a flare to intercept the missile, but firing a missile from a closer range gives them little time to react.
Speed is of the essence, and I appreciate the strategy introduced into this combat. Some chases go on for a while, but in the end it's very enjoyable to aim and shoot accurately. Enemy units are just as powerful as I am, and I use the shoulder buttons to maneuver, performing evasive maneuvers like cartwheels and somersaults. This may make some newbies unfamiliar with VR uncomfortable, but the fixed cockpit perspective helps alleviate this issue.
It's an enjoyable aerial combat game so far that looks to be going well on PSVR 2. Due to the limitations of the demo, I can't judge further, but as someone who has fond memories of Ace Combat 7 and EVE: Valkyrie on PSVR, the current game feels encouraging and I Looking forward to seeing more.

Project Wingman: Frontline 59 is coming to PSVR 2. We've reached out to Humble Games for comment on a release date and whether Frontline 59 will be available for PC VR, and we'll update this article if we hear back. You can read our original Project Wingman review: