With a scope beyond imagination - Kazgesat Adventure begins an educational journey on the road

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Kick off your educational journey on the road with the unimaginable scope of Kazigaisat Adventures

Scale Out of Balance invites you on an educational journey to teach you about science on Quest next month.

Scale Out of Balance - A Kurzgesagt Adventure is a collaboration between Schell Games andKurzgesagtJointly developed educational game which adapts the German studio's 2D videos into a VR experience. By exploring a world inside a mobile scale laboratory, you will travel through five scale layers - molecules, bacteria, insects, humans and mountains.

Accompanied by STEVE, the lab's AI assistant, Scale Imbalance is dedicated to demonstrating the impact of biology, physics and chemistry in each field. The Youtube trailer forThe description confirms, "Players will utilize drones, scanning rays, and a variety of other lab tools and gadgets to complete multiple missions."

Like many of the games seen during Connect 2023, Scale Imbalance - A Kurzgesagt Adventure supports a mixed reality sandbox mode. Instore pagedetailed above, you can bring objects and creatures unlocked in the game into your home.

Scale Out of Balance - The Adventures of a Kurzgesagt coming October 26thMeta Questplatform.


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