Clockpunk competitive shooter Wisdom Watch receives PC VR demo

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Clockpunk competitive shooter Wisdom Watch receives PC VR demo

"Wisdom Watcher" is a VR competitive shooting game, and the PC VR version is now available for trial use.

Developed by Italian studio Space Whale, Wisdom Watch is based on the clockwork punk genre, combining striking European locations with dark fantasy arenas as the game's backdrop. As a young pilgrim of the Wisdom Wardens, you are tasked with destroying the ghostly inhabitants of the planet inspired by folklore and extracting their source of life. Here is the latest promotional video:

Wisdom Watch's press release details regularly updated challenges and leaderboards to cater to more competitive players. The game will feature "a variety of different weapons," including firearms and melee weapons, devastating environments and a collectible item system. You can download it from the officialSteampage for more information.

Conquer fear, defeat planetary entities, collect their cards and extract their lifeblood to restore your magical weapons. Learn and use strategy with each battle to find hidden weapons in the arena, but be quick because the monsters that live in the planet's dimensions will do their best to thwart you in their cunning ways... and getting to the top of the leaderboards doesn't mean anything. easy.

"For Wisdom Watch, we were definitely inspired by Italian and European folklore throughout, which also informed the design of the enemies in the game," said project manager Marius Chiriac, who also mentioned Doom (2016) ) and Robot Recall were his gameplay inspirations.

The trial version of Wisdom Watcher is now availablePC VRandMeta QuestplatformApp LabLaunched on , the full version is expected to be released in 2023.


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