Quest 3 game upgrades squeeze storage space for Quest 2 owners

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Quest 3 game upgrades squeeze storage space for Quest 2 owners

上个月在Connect 2023上,Meta确认超过50款Quest 2游戏将获得Quest 3升级,其中包括《红色物质2》和《守护者前线》。随着4K纹理和细节增加等升级,增强版Quest 3游戏的文件大小也相应增加。然而,一些开发者确认这种文件大小的增加也适用于Quest 2版本。

Both Vertical Robot and Guy Godin (Virtual Desktop) claim that there is currently no option to provide separate Android Package Kits (APKs) for different Quest headsets. Godin wrote that this means that the file size of Quest 2 games will increase, but there will be no improvement.

Myron Games CEO Tommy Maloteaux (Deisim) said you can offer packages separately, but explained that this approach is "inconvenient." Currently this involves uploading two versions, Maloteaux said, "with minor differences in the manifest, but you have to do it in the correct order or both devices will get the latest version."

A specific update time has not yet been provided.


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