Meta is gradually integrating Horizon Worlds into the Quest system

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慢慢地,Meta正将Horizon Worlds与Quest系统界面合并-反之亦然。

For at least a year now, Meta has been heavily promoting Horizon Worlds destinations in Quest's default "Explore" UI tab, which provides one-click direct access to these worlds.

In the Quest v57 update, Meta even renamed Quest to "Horizon Feed" and made it clear at the time of the announcement that the feed would primarily display Horizon Worlds destinations:

Meta is gradually integrating Horizon Worlds into the Quest system</trp-post-container

In September, an update to Horizon Worlds made the profile UI almost visually identical to the profile UI in the Quest system, and displayed your name and profile in Quest. Updating your name in Quest will now also update it in Horizon and vice versa, effectively merging the previously separate profile systems.

Meta is gradually integrating Horizon Worlds into the Quest system</trp-post-container
Horizon Worlds (left) and Quest interface (right)

This week, Meta took this convergence a step further by unifying the previously separate text chat systems. When you open a private chat with someone in Horizon Worlds, you'll see the same chat in the main Quest interface, so you can continue from either place. These are also the same chats you can access in the Meta Quest mobile app.

The next step in integrating Horizon Worlds into the Quest experience was previewed at Meta Connect, and it could be


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