VisionDevCamp in early 2024 will help Apple’s professional vision developers take off

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VisionDevCamp in early 2024 will help Apple’s professional vision developers take off

After Apple Vision Pro launches in early 2024, developers will gather at VisionDevCamp to work on coming up with app ideas for the new headset.

长期从事增强现实开发的Raven Zachary自2007年起就与其他人一起组织iPhone开发者黑客马拉松。现在,他将目光转向了帮助在VisionPro上启动空间计算应用的VisionDevCamp。该活动与苹果无关,定于2024年初美国上市后不久在旧金山地区举行。

iPhoneDevCamp was first held in July 2007, just a week after the iPhone was launched in the United States, and at the time Apple only offered developers the option of making web apps for the device. As Apple's new development platform gradually took shape in 2008 and beyond, the development camp series of activities also developed and expanded, including iPadDevCamp and iOSDevCamp. Organizers say Square, TestFlight and the Barack Obama (2008 campaign year) apps were originally born out of these events.

Registration for VisionDevCamp is not currently open, but it is available throughReminder to registerTo be notified of the start of registration, you can also go toDiscord serverConnect with others to learn about events.

An announcement page explains: “VisionDevCamp is a not-for-profit developer event designed to create apps for Apple’s Vision Pro and visionOS. Participants are encouraged to develop nativevisionOS,Unity PolySpatialandwebapp. "

Apple released its Vision Pro software development kit in June, and developers are currently using the visionOS simulator to develop applications for the system. Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed in September that the headset was still planned and would ship in early 2024.


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