The operating system self-research plan was frustrated again, and the person in charge of Meta AR software announced his resignation

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Meta AR软件负责人宣布离职

(XR Navigation Network November 18, 2023)according toReuters, a Meta spokesperson confirmed that Don Box, head of AR software, had announced his departure, saying it was personal reasons. The spokesperson added that the Meta project vice president's departure will not affect the company's product roadmap.

The report states that the Meta project vice president has yet to explain his next plans. But people familiar with the matter pointed out that Box's departure may be a setback for Meta's progress in developing its own operating system.

The operating system self-research plan was frustrated again, and the person in charge of Meta AR software announced his resignation

Box wasMicrosoftTechnical Fellow. A development team led by technical talent has been establishedXbox SmartGlass platform, leading the research and development of Xbox One platform.

2017-2021年,博克斯担任微软混合现实工程副总裁,带领工程团队开发Hololens和Windows Mixed Reality等项目。2021年3月31日,博克斯宣布离开微软,同年5月3日加入Meta,担任AR眼镜工程副总裁。

As a senior engineer at Meta, Box is mainly responsible for AR software and focuses on the development and planning of AR operating systems. In fact, he reports directly to Mark Lucovsky, the former head of the operating system team. To illustrate, Meta established an operating system research and development team early on and helped create Windows. Former Microsoft star engineer Mark Lukowsky led the NT operating system, and Lukowsky reported to Box.

Frances Haugen was hit by "Whistleblower" in 2022 (Frances Haugen) The impact of Lukovsky's unjust decision to leave the company has had a significant impact on Meta Operating System's independent research plans.

Therefore, with the departure of Box, the head of AR software, this may mean another setback for Meta’s progress in developing its own operating system.

According to earlier reports, Meta plans to launch its first augmented reality glasses to the consumer market in 2027. Reuters pointed out that a Meta spokesperson would not disclose whether the first-generation AR glasses will be equipped with the operating system developed by the Box team.

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