Developer organization unofficial Apple Vision DevCamp developer event

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(XR Navigation Network November 16, 2023)appleCEO Cook once said,VisionProPro promises to create a new era of computing and have a profound impact on how we work, communicate and experience the world, just like the iPhone.

In fact, there's already a group of Vision Pros in the community who are very excited about the future. Raven Zachary, the founder of the iPhoneDevcamp developer event, recently announced that he will organize an unofficial organization.VisionDevcamp Developer Event, inviting people with lofty ideals to research and explore the future of spatial computing.

Developer organization unofficial Apple Vision DevCamp developer event

VisionDevcamp is a non-profit developer event focused on developing applications for Apple Vision Pro and visionos. Similar to iPhonedevcamp, the visiondevcamp community will hold various activities, exchange experiences, share best practices, provide development assistance, etc.

iPhonedevcamp is responsible for iPhonedevcamp, and an all-volunteer team hosts iPadevcamp and iOSDevcamp. In addition, the event will be held in San Francisco, USA, in 2024 after Apple launches Vision Pro. Registration isn't open yet, but you canApplyand add email notificationDiscord community.

Zachary commented: "We organized iPhonedevcamp in 2007 to celebrate the launch of Apple's new platform. In 2024, we will focus on Apple's latest platform and the first space computer. The first year of using a new development platform is always It’s exciting and we hope that excitement will spread through this event.”

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