Developer shares using Meta Quest 3 to view iPhone space videos

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(XR Navigation Network November 16, 2023) on iOS 17.2 in beta,appleAdded a feature that allows iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max to record spatial videos. becauseVisionProPro is not yet available on the market, and users are temporarily unable to view 3D spatial videos on Apple Vision Pro.

But thanks to a solution shared by Youtube user Hugh Hou, you can use MetaMeta Quest View spatial videos recorded by devices such as iPhone 3 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Developer shares using Meta Quest 3 to view iPhone space videos

To record spatial video, you first need an iPhone 15 Pro or iPhone 15 Pro Max operating iOS 17.2 beta. Both developers and public testers can download the beta by entering the Software Update option in your iPhone settings and toggle beta updates.

After updating you need to use spatial video recording in camera settings and then you need toTestFlightGet the "Spatialify" app. The application provides instructions for decoding and exporting spatial video to a format that supports Meta Quest 3 or other 3D headsets and 3D TVs. Additionally, you need the extra step of encoding 3D metadata:

Additionally, the video below is a space video recorded by Apple Video. Note that it is suitable for Vision Pro or Meta Quest 3. Not suitable for 2D video playback formats:

It's obviously not a simple process, but for the iPhone, which has a VR headset or a 3D TV 15 Pro or iPhone 15 Pro, for Max users, you might be interested in spatial video and want to play in the Vision Pro headset Taste fresh before release.

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