Swedish gaming group Aonic acquires VR gaming company nDreams for nearly $110 million

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(XR Navigation Network November 20, 2023) After investing $35 million in ndreams in March 2022, the U.K.VR gamesStudio Swedish gaming group Aonic has announced the official acquisition of ndreams for close to $110 million.

Swedish gaming conglomerate Aonic buys VR gaming company nDreams for nearly $110 million</trp-post-container

Founded in 2006, NDreams transitioned into virtual reality in 2013 and has delivered a series of popular virtual reality titles including TGA nominee Synapse, Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord, a Ghostbusters-based game, and Phantom: Covert Ops, among others. Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord", "Punch and Dash Simulator VR", and "Phantom: Covert Ops", to name a few.

目前NDreams人数已达250人,共有4个开发工作室。加入瑞典游戏集团Aonic后,联合创始人兼首席执行官帕切克·欧鲁尼(Patrick O’luanaigh),联合创始人和首席人力官塔姆欣·欧鲁尼·(Tamsin O’luanaigh)其他高管将继续留任并领导团队。

据报道,工作室的核心重点将保持不变,并将继续为XR游戏社区带来高质量的作品。此外,Aonic还将促进NDreams未来在第三方分销领域的投资,并有可能购买更多的工作室。事实上,该团队于2022年12月收购了AR/VR工作室Near Light。

Pachek Oruni, CEO of NDreams, commented, "We founded NDreams in 2006 and focused on VR gaming in 2013. As an independent company, we are proud of our accomplishments. We consider Aonic to be our partner. Now is the time to welcome their support and further solidify our position to capture the key moments in virtual reality and MR."

"NDreams has done a great job of pushing VR gaming into themarketaspect of the business and we welcome them to the Aonic family to bring us the best team in VR/MR gaming," commented Aonic. This acquisition is another example of Aonic's commitment to supporting mid-sized studios and creating teams that create great gaming environments."

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