VR "Not Suitable for Broadcasting" launched on PSVR 2 in December will put you in the editing chair

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VR "Not Suitable for Broadcasting" launched on PSVR 2 in December will put you in the editing chair

"Not For Broadcast VR", a VR adaptation of a black comedy propaganda simulation game, will be released in December this yearPSVR 2.

作为一款全动态视讯冒险游戏,《Not For Broadcast》发生在一个假想的1980年代英国,一个威权主义政党掌权的地方。玩家扮演清洁工兼广播剪辑员亚历克斯·温斯顿,任务是确保国家夜间新闻的直播顺利进行。在选择摄像机角度、审查特定词语和修复故障硬件之间,开发商tinyBuild警告说“你的选择将会回来困扰你。”

"Not For Broadcast" will be released in March on PC VR andQuestPublished on , we recommended tinyBuild's promotional sim in our review of Not For Broadcast VR, praising its "top-notch story" and dark humor.

Not For Broadcast manages to balance thought-provoking writing with smart political satire, lighthearted comedy and dark humor to create a compelling story. Between dealing with the pressure of managing a stream and making morally difficult choices, players will have a wealth of content to engage with beyond the entertaining narrative.

“Not For Broadcast VR” will be released on December 14thPSVR 2.

注意:本文原始发布于2023年1月26日,于2023年11月28日更新,以反映PSVR 2的发售日期。


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