HTC刚刚推出了Vive Ultimate Tracker,这是一个自动跟踪设备,无需基站或PC。
Vive Tracker主要由VRChat用户使用,用于跟踪身体部位,如躯干、肘部、腿部和脚部,以实时驱动其虚拟形象,也被企业用于定制VR软件中跟踪现实世界物体。
以前的Vive Tracker使用Valve的SteamVR跟踪系统,因此需要SteamVR跟踪基站。新的Vive Ultimate Tracker具有两个广角摄像头和一个板载芯片,用于进行类似大多数头显现在使用的内置定位跟踪,这意味着它不需要基站,也不需要在头显摄像头的视线范围内,这也意味着它可以直接使用独立头显。

Vive Ultimate Trackers can connect wirelessly to a USB-C adapter, allowing up to five trackers to be connected simultaneously.
Currently, the adapter only supports HTC’s standalone headsets Vive XR Elite and Vive Focus 3. As part of this launch, HTC announced that VRChat will be coming to the Vive XR Elite standalone store in December and will support body tracking through the Vive Ultimate Tracker. Two other indie games will support body tracking at launch, including Dance Dash and Skillshot.
But the Vive Ultimate Tracker isn't limited to standalone VR. It's already available on SteamVR via HTC's built-in Vive XR Elite and Vive Focus 3 PC VR streaming capabilities, and "in the coming weeks," HTC plans to add (beta) support for connecting the adapter directly to PC to work with any headset on SteamVR. However, this will require manual calibration of the various tracking systems, which is not required with the HTC standalone headset.
The size of the Vive Ultimate Tracker is about the 50% of the Vive Tracker 3.0, but the weight is increased by 25% to 94 grams.
HTC says you'll get up to 7 hours of battery life, which is very close to the 7.5 hours it claims for the Vive Tracker 3.0.
Like previous models, the Vive Ultimate Tracker supports standard 1/4-inch threaded bolt mounting, the same used for cameras and speakers. There's also a new magnetic clip-on stand, and HTC says it will release CAD files so users can print their own stands and accessories.

The Vive Ultimate Tracker sells for $200 each, with the required USB-C adapter costing an additional $40. You'll need at least three trackers for body tracking, and HTC sells a three-pack with adapters for $600.
That's more than the Vive Tracker 3.0's $130 each, but it's less expensive if you don't already have a base station. The Vive Ultimate Tracker won't replace the Vive Tracker 3.0 though - they will be sold together.
To actually attach the Vive Ultimate Tracker to your body, you'll also needTrackStraps by Rebuff Reality, HTC has partnered with it and sells it on its website. It'll cost $50, but HTC is giving it away for free in a $600 three-pack until the end of the year.

与索尼的售价为450美元的Mocopi相比,Vive Ultimate Trackers的套装价格更高,Mocopi通过手机应用在Meta Quest独立上与VRChat一起使用,但Mocopi只使用加速度计和陀螺仪(IMUs)结合骨骼估计模型,而Vive Ultimate Trackers提供真正的六自由度(6DoF)跟踪。