Virtual Desktop developers react to Steam link on Quest

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Virtual Desktop's Developer Reacts To Steam Link For Quest

Virtual Desktop

Virtual Desktop开发者Guy Godin现在正面临一个棘手的局面,两个免费的竞争对手都可以在平台级别获得硬件访问权限,以提供他曾协助为成千上万的PC VR玩家开发的版本功能。

多年来,Virtual Desktop一直是VR中的一种实用工具。它主要由一个独立开发者Guy Godin开发,他编写了这个应用程序的原生代码,而不是大多数开发者转向的Unity和Unreal等高级引擎。

As the original May 2019Quest的首发游戏,Virtual Desktop被迫绕过Meta的规定,以便实现如《半条命:爱丽丝》等游戏的无线PC VR串流。直到2021年2月,在Meta推出自己的免费版本该功能的两个月前,他才最终被允许在经过Meta批准的版本中正式支持这个功能。

Today's release of Valve's official Steam Link app on the Quest store means Godin's Virtual Desktop faces another competitor offering this feature for free. WhileVirtual DesktopDoing a lot of other things as well, and constantly updated by Godin to add new features and improve performance, Virtual Desktop is currently priced at $20, while the competition is free.

So what are Godin's future plans? How is he feeling right now?

"Virtual Desktop is still a great solution with more options, better image quality with Snapdragon Game Super Resolution, synchronized spatial distortion, VR penetration, and many other unique features such as the ability to play Rift Store games, not just SteamVR games.

Virtual Desktop can also access your Windows or Mac computer over the Internet and stream 180/360 video - and neither requires a VR Ready PC."


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