Quest 3 has become one of the most used VR headsets on Steam

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Quest 3 has become one of the most used VR headsets on Steam

Just one month after its launch,Meta Quest 3 has become the fifth most used VR headset on Steam.

Steam Hardware and Software Survey每个月向Steam用户随机抽取一部分进行调查。如果你接受调查,它会上传你的PC规格和外设清单到Valve,以及你在SteamVR上使用的任何头显。

Quest 3 has become one of the most used VR headsets on Steam

In November, Quest 3 became the headset of choice for SteamVR users at 5.2%, a significant increase from October when the headset first appeared in the survey at 0.15%.

Quest 2 usage also increased slightly, as did the overall percentage of Steam users using VR headsets. This shows that PC gamers continue to buy Quest 2, especially with the recent discounts, while many Quest 3 buyers are new players and not just upgrading from previous headsets.

The hardware survey looked at the use of the Quest as a PC VR headset via official (Air) Link mode and the third-party app Virtual Desktop.

Quest 3 has become one of the most used VR headsets on Steam

Standalone headset features PC VR mode, Quest andPICOThe combined models now account for the majority of VR usage on Steam, exceeding the 50%. “True” native PC VR headsets are now in the minority.

Quest 3 has become one of the most used VR headsets on Steam

The rise of the Quest 3 and the dominance of standalone headsets coincides with Valve's launch of the Quest's official Steam Link app at the end of the month.

Steam Link's low-friction convenience and ease of use may lead to a further surge in Quest headset usage on Steam, so we'll be keeping an eye on the December Hardware Survey data when it's released in early January.


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