Bloomberg: Apple Vision Pro planned to be released in January 2024

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(XR Navigation Network December 11, 2023) In the NovemberPower On中间,马克·古尔曼,彭博社(Mark Gurman)apple曾表示,由于后勤物流等问题,苹果将Vision 1月份ProThe sales window has been postponed to March.

But in the new issueintelligenceChina Gurman said that Apple retail stores are ready to provide services for Vision Pro, and relevant employee training will be carried out in mid-January, and each employee will receive two days of training. In addition, Apple still aims to sell devices in January next year.

Bloomberg: Apple Vision Pro planned to be released in January 2024

早些时候,彭博社表示,苹果将把选定的美国零售店员工带到加州库比蒂诺,并提供VisionPro头显销售专项培训。活动主要是向零售员工介绍Vision Pro,以及相关复杂的销售流程。经过培训的员工将能够熟悉设备的使用、优势和卖点,以及关键的销售技能。

Bloomberg stated in the latest report that fruit retail stores are already working on Vision Pro and are ready to arrange relevant activities, and formal training will begin in mid-January. Among them, each employee needs to receive two days of training. Gurman pointed out that Apple aims to officially launch Vision Pro in January next year.

It is worth mentioning that Gurman reported in November that Apple would postpone the Vision Pro’s January sales window to March until March. But according to the new issue of information, if all goes well, Apple is expected to officially launch the device in January.

Of course, Gurman didn't explain whether Apple had solved the logistics issues, saying only that he expected to have sales by March. He said: "Apple has only publicly said the Vision Pro will launch in early 2024, but the company's internal target is January next year. At this point, barring any unforeseen obstacles, I would expect it to be on sale until at least March .”

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