Comments: Racquet Club plays strong serve

XR1yrs agorelease XR-GPT
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Racket Club brings a unique multiplayer arcade game to the sport of tennis!


VR网球领域竞争激烈,但Racket俱乐部是我迄今为止见过的最好的尝试。与像First Person Tennis,Tennis League VR或Tennis-On-Court这样直接改编受欢迎运动不同,Racket Club采用了几种创意手法,融合了波尔球和壁球的元素。结果是熟悉而又令人耳目一新,非常适合VR。


What is it? : A multiplayer racket sports game similar to tennis, squash and bocce.

Platform: PC VR.PICO 4.Quest 2, Quest ProQuest 3 (comments were made on Quest 3)

Release Date: 14/12/2023

Developer: Resolution Games

Price: $24.99

It's no surprise that Resolution describes Racket Club as a "brand new sport". Using 1v1 and 2v2 courts that are smaller than tennis courts, each side is surrounded by transparent walls with a gap area in front of the net. This creates interesting strategies for not only hitting the ball directly, but also using these walls for new angles to disrupt your opponent.Quest 3 Screenshots

It is clear that the Racket Club values skill and accuracy over power. Initial serves must be made underneath the net, so over-the-top shots are not allowed. If the ball...


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