Xbox cloud gaming lands on Meta Quest platform

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Xbox cloud gaming lands on Meta Quest platform

Xbox Cloud Gaming is now available forQuestheadset.

去年的Connect大会上,微软CEO萨提亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)确认了通过Xbox Cloud Gaming将Xbox Game Pass图书馆带到Quest头戴设备。通过Xbox控制器,您可以在云端流式传输平面屏游戏,使您的Quest头戴设备在玩游戏时可以创建一个更大的屏幕。在今年的Meta At Connect 2023, the company confirmed this will be coming to Quest 3 this December.

Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) Now Available December 13here提供,但需要Game Pass Ultimate。Meta表示支持的控制器包括“Xbox控制器、PlayStation 4控制器和任天堂Switch ProController", while "PlayStation 5 controller support" is planned for the future.

Xbox Cloud Gaming is already available for other platforms. Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, the highest tier of Microsoft's popular subscription service, costs $16.99 per month and offers a rotating but broad selection of flat-screen games, such as Halo Infinite, Star Wars, Forza Motorsport: Horizon 5" etc.

This article was originally published on September 27, 2023. It was updated in December 2023.


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