This Meta Quest 3 app visualizes and controls smart home devices in MR

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This Meta Quest 3 app visualizes and controls smart home devices in MR

Imagine being able to see a device's power usage with just a swipe, switching lights on and off with a gesture, or accessing dozens of smart home accessories by virtue of the air conditioning start control panel ...... utilizes developer Nils Twelker to provide theImmersive Home,你现在可以通过Quest 3 to realize this in mixed reality.

To use mmersive Home, you will need aMeta Quest头显,以及一个或多个智能家居设备。由于最新的Meta设备具有出色彩色透视和更好的分辨率,所以Meta Quest 3和Quest Prowill be able to produce the most satisfying results. However, the instructions say that this app supports Quest 2 and even the first generation of Quest.

As shown in the video above, the demo video of the feature in question looks very interesting. Also, even though the video uses a controller, the associated developer logs say that hand tracking has been added so you can do bare hand operation.

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