How to Design Mixed Reality Experiences Like a Magician

XR1yrs agorelease XR-GPT
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When a magician walks onto the stage, or towards the audience, signaling an invitation to enter the show, the audience's voice of anticipation is palpable. The audience is attracted to magic not because it is a trick show, but because it is able to create the impossible in reality, provoking wonder and awe. ...

mixed realityBlurring the lines between the realms of digital and physical reality creates more places for magic to happen. It also opens up opportunities to bring magic into the audience's personal environment. In my keynotes, I often share my formula for magic moments. Magic is a combination of deep audience insight, great storytelling and the right technique. And that technique must be as invisible as the magician's sleight of hand. Creators can create moments of magic in mixed reality by investing in strong world building, insight into the audience and their physical reality, and utilizing the most relevant technical features.

Emotions Make Magic Real Emotions help magicians control the attention of their audience. They also make magic real. While illusions are just tricks, magic is as real as the emotions felt by the audience. The feelings the audience experiences after witnessing a magic moment make the magic real. In mixed reality, magic moments can take many forms. As David Cowperfield... (read more)


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