Apple pre-service training rumored to prohibit employees from using the word "VR" in Vision Pro presentations

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(XR Navigation Network December 20, 2023) has always been.appleApple has always been more interested in AR augmented reality than VR virtual reality. That's why, from public statements to keynote speeches to technical documentation, Apple has avoided terms like "VR/virtual reality" and "meta-universe" that are common in the community, opting instead for terms like "spatial computing" or "fully immersive experience" to describe the technology. Instead, it prefers terms such as "spatial computing" or "fully immersive experience" to describe the technology.

Now according to community intelligence, for what is expected to open in mid-January 2024VisionProFor retail employee training, Apple will emphasize this by prohibiting retail employees from using terms such as "VR".

Apple's pre-service training rumored to prohibit employees from using the term "VR" in Vision Pro presentations

根据早前彭博社的报道,苹果的目标依然是明年1月发售Vision Pro,而苹果零售店已经为Vision Pro做好了准备,相关员工培训将于1月中旬进行,每名参加员工接受为期两天的培训。

The event is designed to introduce retail staff to the Vision Pro and the complex sales process associated with it. Trained staff will be able to familiarize themselves with the use of the device, its benefits and selling points, as well as key sales techniques and more.

Now according to prominent XR source Brad Lynch in theX (formerly Twitter)shared that Apple will strictly prohibit the use of terms like "VR" by the employees involved. He wrote, "I've heard that Apple strongly discourages/prohibits the use of the term 'VR'. In fact, Apple does not welcome any technical descriptions of related experiences." Instead, Apple wants retail store employees to convey more of a "magical" and "new" impression to consumers.

In fact, in the past, whenever asked about AR/VR and other issues, Apple CEO Cook always chose to answer AR and avoid talking about VR, and even when talking about VR, he would emphasize that AR is the future trend. With the popularity of the term meta-universe, Cook also chose to avoid getting involved, and said that the concept of "meta-universe" is vague.

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