
"The Rec Room has built a world using generative AI tools that you can visit.

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Rec RoomA world was built using Fractura-generated AI tools.

<pLast year, Rec Room integrated directly with Unity, introducing a feature called Rec Room Studio enabling creators to build high-quality worlds within the Unity editor, not just limited to in-game shape-based authoring tools. <pLast year, Rec Room integrated directly with Unity to introduce a feature called Rec Room Studio enabling creators to build high-quality worlds in the Unity editor, not just limited to in-game shape-based authoring tools.

Fractura is one such world, but it is constructed primarily using a series of generative AI tools rather than being constructed entirely manually.

Rec Room says they used ChatGPT to "develop" concepts for Fractura's "landforms, vegetation, lore," and so on. Midjourney and DALLE were then used to design and develop concept art for the world.

Beyond ideas and concepts, how is the actual creation of the world realized? <pHow, then, is the actual creation of the world realized apart from ideas and concepts?

<pFor skyboxes, Rec Room says they use theBlockade Labs' Skybox AI. SomeQuestUsers are already in their Horizon Use this feature to create customized skyboxes in the Home environment. In Fractura, you can select various AI-generated skyboxes, starting with Skybox.

<pTo generate 3D resources for the world itself, Rec Room uses theCSMandShap-EAdd elements such as trees, ancient stone robots, floating land and distant buildings to Fractura. However, Rec Room found that the number of polygonal models generated by these tools was not ideal for real-time performance, so the results had to be manually simplified.Rec Room also noted that the generation of 3D models was very long and tedious.

<pYou canEnter the Rec Room today and go to the Fractura Experience!.

I tried Fractura on 3 using Questttp independently and found the performance to be very poor, often below 50FPS, but this is a common problem on social VR platforms like Rec Room and VRChat with user-created worlds. <p I tried Fractura on a Quest 3 on a standalone and found the performance to be very poor, often below 50FPS, but that's like Rectura Social VR platforms like Rec Room and VRChat, and user-created worlds have common problems.

While performance issues with standalone virtual reality devices remain, Fractura is an early and original experiment that points to the future of user-created virtual worlds. Like theMetaLike the builder shown last year Like the Bot demo, the combination of generative AI and speech recognition may one day allow people to build virtual worlds in virtual reality by voice alone, much like Star Trek. <pDespite the performance issues that remain with standalone VR devices, Fractura is an early and original experiment that points to the future of user-created virtual worlds. As Meta showed with its Builder Bot demo last year, generative AI combined with speech recognition may one day allow people to build virtual worlds in VR through voice alone, a Star Trek-like future.


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