Claiming a lack of support for VR in the industry, this VR veteran studio announced it was shutting down

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(XR Navigation Network December 23, 2023) to "createVR gamesVR game developer with "The Future of VR" as its web tagline and aiming for 3A quality games.First Contact Entertainmentthe other dayblast,由于“业内缺乏对VR的支持(The lack of support for VR within the industry)”,所以他们将在今年年底之前关闭工作室。

Claiming a lack of support for VR in the industry, this VR veteran studio announced it was shutting down

First Contact Entertainment于2016年创办,成员主要来自于暴雪、星风工作室、Treyarch和Infinity Ward等。自创办以来,团队一直以打造高质量VR游戏作为目标。

In 2016, the team worked onSteamandOculus Home released ROM: Extraction, which they poured themselves into, but the title wasn't well received by the community, with pretty dismal reviews and sales. In 2018, they released a new game forPSVRThe platform brought the exclusive game Firewall Zero Hour to the table, and it received pretty good reviews.

在2020年,First Contact Entertainment开始尝试Meta一体机平台,为Questand PSVR released SOLARIS OFFWORLD COMBAT. However, this one also made too much of a splash.

So for its fourth game, the team decided to focus on theSonyplatform and brought the PSVR 2 game Firewall: Zero Hour from First Contact in August 2023. According to the page, the title was given 4 stars out of 13K reviews.

But just four months past, First Contact Entertainment suddenly announced it was shutting down the studio andFacebookThe blog post, written under the First Contact Entertainment account, reads, "It is with regret that we are announcing that we will be shutting down our company First Contact Entertainment at the end of this year.The lack of support for VR in the industry has ultimately taken its toll. As a 3A VR game developer, we can't justify the investment in continuing operations."

For First Contact Entertainment, they've always aimed for high-quality VR games, so the investment in setting up a project shouldn't be low, and the team has only produced four games in nearly eight years. However, their works have failed to win the recognition of the VR community in Meta and Steam, and although some of their works have achieved some critical support on Sony's PSVR platform, they are far from being breakout hits. Clearly, continuing to target big-budget burnout projects is not a reasonable option for this team.

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