
Meta: Quest MR showing gradual success, 7 of top 20 apps are MR

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(XR Navigation Network January 01, 2024)Quest 3最初于2023年10月发售,而Meta主要是将其作为混合现实头显进行营销。但与经历了多次硬件迭代的虚拟现实不同,混合现实只是刚刚起步,就连约翰·卡马克等行业资深人士都对它能否提高头显销量持怀疑态度。

But according to Meta CTO Andrew Bosworth, Quest's MR has been a gradual success, with seven of the top 20 apps being MR apps, and that's happened in the months since Quest 3 went on sale. Additionally, he said that the Quest Store "has hundreds of mixed reality apps and most users have tried the mixed reality features."

Meta: Quest MR is showing gradual success, with 7 of the top 20 apps being MR</trp-post-container

Of course, for the fact that 7 of the top 20 apps are all MR apps, Bosworth didn't give a specific metric, and it's not certain what criteria it's ranked by, and it's not certain if that means sales, daily activity, or say some other metric. Also, it's not clear what Bosworth's definition of an MR app is, e.g. whether it's pure MR, or an app that includes MR functionality.

Currently, the Quest Store's best-selling categories include a range of VR games with mixed-reality modes or mixed-reality features, but that doesn't necessarily mean that consumers are buying said apps because of the mixed-reality elements they contain.

不过,随着Quest 3及后续型号不断优化和强调MR,以及苹果VisionProThe offering, which is expected tomarketThe popularity of features like MR/spatial computing/AR will be further deepened.

Bosworth himself expects mixed reality's growth to accelerate in 2024 as more people are exposed to it and developers learn how to use the new technology.

On the topic of looking to the future, Meta's CTO is very bullish on the convergence of AI + XR and has addressed this point in several speeches. He noted, "AI will play a significant role not only in the products we have today, but also in products that were not possible before, and that certainly includes products in the wearables and augmented reality space. Our vision in the said field actually hinges on AI that can truly understand the world around us and anticipate our needs. We believe that this contextualized AI will be the cornerstone of the first truly new computing platform after the PC."

另外,博斯沃思表示Meta将坚持对前沿技术的长期投资,因为长期投资是科技公司能做的最有价值的事情之一。他写道:“多年来,这种长期研究已经带来了一定的突破,比如Quest Pro和Quest 3的Pancake透镜,以及马克·扎克伯格和莱克斯·弗里德曼(Lex Fridman)令人惊叹的Codec Avatar原型。这只是冰山一角,Reality Labs的研究突破将允许我们能够在未来几年推出一系列行业首创的产品。”

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