Bigscreen Demos Eye Tracking Module for Slim PCVR Headset Beyond

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(XR Navigation Network January 06, 2024In a brand new video released a few days ago, Bigscreen founder and CEO Darshan Shankar shows off the ultra-thin PCVR headset Beyondeye trackingModule. The module is described as being created by EyeTrackVR, a group of VR enthusiasts who have been focusing on providing open-source DIY instructions for building eye-tracking modules for various VR headsets (including Valve Index).

For the eye-tracking module mentioned above, the team says it will consider pushing themarket.

Bigscreen demos eye-tracking module for ultra-thin PCVR headset Beyond</trp-post-container

Bigscreen is a VR that focuses on shared movie viewingsocial contact应用,而背后的团队在2023年发售了一款售价999美元的轻薄款PCVR头显。他们宣称,它是世界最小最轻的系留式PC VRThe headset, weighing just 127 grams, is less than 1 inch thick at its thinnest point. The device offers a range of features designed entirely for PC VR enthusiasts: dual Micro-OLEDmonitor with 2560 x 2560 monocular resolution, Pancake optics, and six degrees of freedomSteamVR tracking support.

With the development of eye tracking technology, this feature, which serves many purposes, is becoming more and more standard in headset products, such as enabling socialization, supporting point-of-view rendering that reduces computational burden, and so on. For Bigscreen's ultra-thin PCVR headset Beyond, the team has officially demonstrated a related eye-tracking module.

CEO Shankar says he's tried it out and says it works great in the social app VRChat. In addition, the team is considering bringing the module to market as an "easy-to-install toolkit" since building such a module can be quite challenging for non-experts.

He said, "I'm more than happy to support the EyetrackVR team in bringing this module to market and helping to shrink it. Making an easy-to-install kit may not require any technical experience."

Eye tracking has great potential in PCVR, especially when combined with gaze point rendering. However, a concern is the cost of the associated implementation, ease of use, and specific performance results.

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