In partnership with Warner Bros, Futureverse wants to bring Top Gun to life

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(XR Navigation Network January 06, 2024)在2023年获得5400万美元融资的元宇宙初创公司Futureverse已与《玩家一号》的作者欧内斯特·克莱恩(Ernest Cline)合作,成立了名为Readyverse Studios的工作室,而他们将专注于创建一个名为Readyverse的元宇宙平台。

In partnership with Warner Bros, Futureverse wants to bring Top Gun to life


A related report notes that the startup's technology has been in development for five years, and in their press release, they add, "Utilizing Web3, meta-universe games and experiences, augmented reality, and virtual reality technologies, Readyverse is creating the ultimate destination for fans to explore their favorite stories and IPs in the meta-universe. Readyverse will support the principles of the Open Metaverse, including decentralization, security and interoperability."

For his part, Ernest Cline commented, "The future is coming sooner than I thought. With Readyverse Studios, we have the opportunity to utilize the revolutionary technology Futureverse has been building for several years and bring the best version of it to the metaverse. I have full confidence in this team, we have the brightest minds and the biggest hearts to lead us into the next chapter of our shared future ...... a future that Wade Watts and James Halliday can be proud of."

Readyverse Studio's first major deal was described as a partnership with Warner Bros.' Discovery Channel to bring the movie Top Gun, based on Player One, to the Readyverse platform. Additional brands and IPs joining the Readyverse will be announced soon.

华纳兄弟探索频道在一份声明中表示:“我们非常高兴能够站在技术的最前沿,并不断探索将其融入我们品牌和IP的粉丝体验中的新的、令人兴奋的方式。《头号玩家》已经成为一种文化试金石,激励着技术创新者、创作者和梦想家,我们非常高兴能与Readyverse Studio合作,将独特的角色、身临其境的环境等引入元宇宙。”

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