Archacact, which claims to be one of the largest VR indie developers, announces layoffs

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(XR Navigation Network January 06, 2024), a company that is known for itsVR gameschacact has announced layoffs involving employees in the animation, art, audio, engineering, game design, IT, and narrative functions. The team had earlier said it had more than 100 employees, and while no specific number of layoffs was announced, the breadth of the layoffs suggests that the company's operations are indeed in trouble.

Archacact, which claims to be one of the largest VR indie developers, announces layoffs

A related posting emphasized, "This is not a decision we are taking lightly. We are working with everyone to offset this difficult transition as much as possible."

The Vancouver, Canada-based studio was founded in 2013 and has developed a slew of acclaimed VR games, including a port of Doom 3, Journey to Foundation, Freediver Triton Down, Evasion, and Marvel Dimension of Heroes, among others. Heroes, and more.

Archacact used to call itself "one of the largest independent VR developers" with a team of over 100 people. However, most of the company's work hasn't been a hit, so it's no surprise that some in the community think Archacact is in trouble for taking too many steps.

值得一提的是,另一家老牌VR游戏工作室First Contact Entertainment则直接宣布关闭。团队给出的理由是缺乏业内支持。据猜测,这可能是指主打大制作精品路线但又未能做出爆款的First Contact Entertainment已经难以吸引投资者继续烧钱支持他们。

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