Panasonic Shiftall announces new MeganeX PCVR headset with wireless body tracker support

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(XR Navigation Network January 09, 2024) Panasonic subsidiary Shiftall has announced the upcoming release of a new version of the MeganeX PCVR头显,以及下一代HaritoraX无线身体追踪器。团队将新一款SteamThe VR headset is called "MeganeX superlight" because it is about 50% lighter than the first version of the MeganeX headset.

Additionally, the MeganeX superlight is claimed to be a cheaper and easier-to-produce version than the initial version of the device, which included onboard optical tracking and a mountable SteamVR tracking module. That's because while the new version features the same display specs: dual 2560 × 2560 1.3-inch Micro OLEDdisplay (120Hz), but the weight has been reduced from 385 grams to about 200 grams.

Panasonic Shiftall announces new MeganeX PCVR headset with wireless body tracker support

The new version is simultaneously more streamlined, as it omits the inward-outward camera, speakers, and glasses-style mounts, and features all-plastic lenses. Additionally, the only method of six-degree-of-freedom tracking will be with Valve's SteamVR locator, which is similar to its main competitor, the $1,000 Bigscreen Beyond.

The MeganeX superlight is expected to be released in 2024; however, the team has yet to mention pricing. For reference, the first-generation device was piloted in September 2023, priced at a whopping $1,700 and sold only in Japan.

Panasonic Shiftall announces new MeganeX PCVR headset with wireless body tracker support

Shiftall also announced a wireless full-body tracking device called HaritoraX Wireless R. It fuses inertial measurement unit (IMU) tracking with an external camera for wireless full-body tracking, and has a battery life of about 20 hours. Like the original HaritoraX Wireless, it offers six points of tracking, including the chest, hips, knees and ankles.

Shiftall said in a press statement, "It maintains the advantages of the IMU approach, with its light weight, long endurance, and independence from obstacles, while achieving the drift-free accuracy characteristics of the optical system."

The HaritoraX Wireless R is also scheduled for release this year, but pricing has not yet been announced.

It's worth noting that Shiftall has introduced a wireless acoustic microphone that retails for $200"mutalk 2", for both VR and standard devices, with the goal of preventing voice leakage and ambient noise. The device is already available for pre-order and is expected to launch in May 2024.

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