
Apple's official website is changing the terminology of its product line from "Vision Pro" to "Vision".

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(XR Navigation Network January 09, 2024)在深入挖掘iOS 17.3 Beta 2代码后,9to5mac发现apple已修改了关于Apple VisionPro头显的描述,移除了“Pro”,并统一为“Apple Vision”。这家媒体认为,苹果可能正在推进亲民版Vision头显。当然,由于Vision Pro是一款面向高端market的专业版本,而普通版迟早会面世,所以团队可能只是在正常化Vision产品线。

Apple's official website has begun to change the terminology of its product line from "Vision Pro" to "Vision. "

Since the official announcement at WWDC 2023 in June, the Apple Vision Pro is about to go on sale next month. Initially, Apple chose the Pro as a logical but unexpected name. Unexpected means that Apple was the first to launch a high-end Pro version before the regular version. Reasonable on the other hand is because the XR market is still a niche market at the moment, and given the cost of the device, it makes quite a bit of sense for Apple to test the waters through the high-end market first.

However, just like the iPhone, iPad, and Mac products, Apple seems to have started normalizing the Vision line. Based on code mining of the iOS 17.3 Beta 2 code, 9to5mac has discovered that Apple has changed all descriptions of the Apple Vision Pro headset, removing the "Pro" and standardizing it to "Apple Vision "

For example, the strings associated with the App Store previously appeared as Mac iPad and Apple Vision Pro Apps. now, the same strings become Mac iPad and Apple Vision Apps. of course, this doesn't mean much at this point in time, but it does indicate that Apple seems to be normalizing the Vision line.

Also, according to Apple's website, the navigation bar's sub-tabs have been switched to Vision instead of Vision Pro. this is the same as the iPhone and iPhone Pro, iPad and iPad Pro, and Mac and Mac Pro, among others.

However, 9to5mac believes that the above clues indicate that Apple is moving forward with an affordable version of the Vision headset. The Vision Pro currently retails for $3,499, and according to an earlier Bloomberg report, Apple is targeting a lower-priced version of the headset with a $1,500 to $2,500 price tag.

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