Billion Realm EmdoorVR Heavyweight MR New Products Debut at CES 2024, Qixin Yiwei Provides Eye Tracking Solutions

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EVERLAND EmdoorVR Heavy MR New Products at CES 2024, Qixin Yiwei Provides Eye Tracking Solutions</trp-post-container

Beijing, January 10-13, 2024, the annual 'Spring Festival of Technology' - theCES 2024在美国拉斯维加斯举办。亿境EmdoorVR携多款全新一代重磅MR新品,亮相Las Vegas Convention Center中心展馆的15248展位。

EVERLAND EmdoorVR Heavy MR New Products at CES 2024, Qixin Yiwei Provides Eye Tracking Solutions</trp-post-container

在本届CES上,亿境EmdoorVR除了带来极具性价比的入门级MR一体机VisionSE,还首次对外公开展示了采用其自研Pancake光学、双目4K+高刷屏、彩色双目RGB摄像头透视、支持眼球追踪与手势识别的A863 Pro, where the eye-tracking solution is powered bySeven Xin easy maintenance提供,可以实现注视点渲染、表情追踪、眼控交互、身份识别和认证、眼动数据分析等功能。

EVERLAND EmdoorVR Heavy MR New Products at CES 2024, Qixin Yiwei Provides Eye Tracking Solutions</trp-post-container

Xu Xiao, co-founder of Qixin Yiwei, said that Qixin Yiwei and EmdoorVR reached a strategic cooperation last year, the two sides fully integrated their respective advantageous resources and R & D capabilities, in product development, technological innovation,marketExpansion, ecological construction and other dimensions to carry out in-depth exploration and comprehensive cooperation, to accelerate the promotion of eye tracking technology in the XR industry, industrialization, scale application landing.

EVERLAND EmdoorVR Heavy MR New Products at CES 2024, Qixin Yiwei Provides Eye Tracking Solutions</trp-post-container

Founded in 2009, QixinEW is one of the world's earliest pioneers in the application of eye tracking technology to the XR field. Over the past ten years, Qixin Eevee has been making long-term technical R&D investment and core intellectual property reserve for XR eye tracking, and has successively created the world's first eye-control smart glasses, the world's first mass-produced VR eye-tracking module, the world's first eye-tracking solution integrating iris recognition technology, etc., and has taken the lead in launching XR eye tracking solutions based on the Pancake short-focus VR headset and the light-weight AR/MR glasses. XR eye tracking solution based on Pancake short-focus VR headset and lightweight AR/MR glasses.
In the just past 2023, Qixin Yiwei made a series of breakthroughs and landmark achievements in the field of XR eye tracking, not only providing industry-leading XR eye tracking solutions for partners such as Billion Realm EmdoorVR, but also launching the "XR Iris Recognition & Eye Tracking" program in conjunction with WeChat Pay and Skyworth XR, and creating a partnership withappleVisionProVision Pro's similar "one eye, two cameras" XR eye tracking solution realizes independent control in many key core technology areas.

EVERLAND EmdoorVR Heavy MR New Products at CES 2024, Qixin Yiwei Provides Eye Tracking Solutions</trp-post-container

EVERLAND EmdoorVR Heavy MR New Products at CES 2024, Qixin Yiwei Provides Eye Tracking Solutions</trp-post-container

EmdoorVR, as a domestic ODM head enterprise in the XR field, has mature XR product development and mass production capabilities and innovation strength. Over the years, through the cooperation withHigh-passWith the close cooperation of upstream and downstream manufacturers, EmdoorVR has launched many products to meet the needs of users in the global diversified market and realized large-scale shipments, winning the extensive trust of domestic and foreign customers.

Now, with the introduction of A863 Pro equipped with eye tracking function, it marks a substantial step forward in the comprehensive strategic cooperation between Qixin EW and EmdoorVR in the field of spatial computing, which will bring subversive applications and experience upgrading to the B-end scenarios such as education, medical treatment, industry, culture and tourism, etc., and also accelerate the popularization of eye-tracking technology in the C-end.

EVERLAND EmdoorVR Heavy MR New Products at CES 2024, Qixin Yiwei Provides Eye Tracking Solutions</trp-post-container

CES 2024 will run until January 13, Beijing time, and those interested in the A863 Pro can visit booth 15248 in the Las Vegas Convention Center Center Pavilion to experience it.

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